Changes to the Spousal Sponsorship Application Lead to Faster Processing Times

On December 15, 2016, the Government of Canada introduced new, simplified application kits for spousal sponsorship applications. A spouse is considered to be someone you are married to, your conjugal partner or your common-law partner.

These changes allow for a significant decrease in processing time. Previously, it would take approximately 26 months for in-Canada applicants and 18 months for overseas applicants to become permanent residents. Currently, the Government is targeting to complete applications within 12 months  after they are received, regardless if overseas or in-Canada. Applications that have already been submitted will receive a decision by December 2017.

The Government has streamlined the process by providing only one set of forms to be used regardless If an application is made from within or outside Canada. Despite the faster process, full criminal, security and medical checks will continue to be in place. They will continue to accept new applications using the old application kit until January 31, 2017. After this date, only sponsorship applications made using the new kit will be accepted.